Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April first you stupid herring

I tricked my kids into eating a stew made out of yak meat and Sichuan dog meat sausage today. Actually it was a brilliant bouef bourguignon that was mouth-wateringly scrumptious that I spent all day making but they fell for it anyway, good kids that they are. I told them that this is the kind of food they are going to eat when we go off on our planned horse trek to Munigou Valley in a few weeks and that they had better start getting used to it. That didn't phase them - they're really keen on this trek - and they dug in and thought it wasn't half bad, albeit with very sceptical looks on their faces and only tiny tastes in the beginning. When I told them it was all an April Fool's joke the food went down a whole lot faster! 

As we say in Swedish: April April din dumma sill which in English translates as the ridiculous sounding: April first April first you stupid pickled herring. 


  1. Horsetrek to Munigou - sounds great! Wish I could join you ;-)
    Kram Anki

  2. Du kan väl följa med en annan gång!
